Saturday, March 13, 2010

Disney Give a Day, Get a Day

Isabella and I volunteered last Saturday down at UNLV to help make cards for children in local hospitals. The woman working the event took some pictures and posted them to her blog. So, I thought I should share them on my blog. Which I know I haven't written on in months. I think a blog is suppose to be more than a quarterly thing. Oh well. It will be a great way to keep people posted when I have more going on some day. The Disney Give a Day program has made lots of people get out and volunteer. It was a small room with a big crowd of people. We ended up working for a little over an hour punching out die-cuts of butterflies. Just a few days ago I printed out our tickets to Disney. It's a pretty cool deal if you plan on going to the parks this year. Isabella and I can use the passes to go an extra day maybe when we go on our annual trip this summer. Should be fun!