Monday, October 6, 2008

National Fire Safety Week

This week is an important week for children across America. Firefighters all over the nation visit nearby schools to introduce themselves and what they do to help others. It's a sad fact, but often in a fire children hide from firefighters. One of our local fire stations volunteered to come and talk with our first graders. They were an amazing crew and gave a memorable presentation. Our students got to watch how fast they have to put on their gear (60 secs.), spray the water hose, put on the heavy fire fighter's jacket and take a look around the fire engine. We were introduced to tools that they use to help rescue people in fires and car accidents and learned some important safety tips if we are ever in a fire. It was a blast seeing the kids get excited spraying the water. It was also pretty funny to see one of our first grade teachers get dressed up in the gear and get secured on the board. I have never seen such a great group of firemen come to a school and talk . Thank you Las Vegas Fire Station 34! You made a lasting impression on our students and teachers!