Saturday, March 28, 2009

Way Too Long!!

I can't believe I have not posted since the end of January. It really has been too hectic lately and I'm feelin it. I do feel a little better though. Thanks babe, you always make me feel good and laugh. :) I had a fun night. Went to Bunko with the ladies. I actually won- $20.00 bucks! It is just a fun time getting to sit and chat. I held little baby Reid tonight. He is such a tiny little baby. So sweet, but I was glad to give him back to mom when he fussed. It's weird holding a baby these days. Feels like I've never done it before. I guess because it has been so long since holding Izzy. I think about having another baby and I'm truly torn. On one hand it would be fun and mean so much to create another little person to love, but it is such hard work. Anyways this post was not suppose to be about babies. It was going to be about how I have slacked on my blogging duty and how I am reaffirming my new mantra and making it know on my blog. I am restarting P90X for I don't know how many times now and making the commitment this time to see it through even if it kills me. I have ten pounds I want to lose and I want em gone for good! So here is my new mantra. So far it's working good. Ignore the posting time on this blog. It's the weekend and I went out! A girl can't be perfect all the time. Geesh!

OK here we go:

1. Eat healthy!

2. Exercise every day!

3. Take my vitamin!

4. Get to bed by 10:00!

And most importantly- Stress Less and Relax!!!

It is working nicely so far. Maybe I should put something on their about writing on here weekly. Nah! Too much pressure. Here are some of my latest pictures. I am seriously bummed because all my pictures from the beginning of the year are gone from my computer. No clue what has happened, but they are gone! The Boston pictures, fireman pictures from school, they are gone! I guess I will have to keep this blog forever to preserve those memories...