Summer's over and school is in session. It was my first day as a first grade teacher. I had a really fun time with my kids. It felt a little like being back in kindergarten. Probably because these students just were kindergarteners two and a half months ago. My class is small(13 kids) and I have a great big room. I felt a little strange having so few children to wrangle up at times. Kinda like I was expecting to go around to another part of the room and find five more students. It will be great having a small classs because first grade is a very intense year for a child's development.
Beyond the kids and my giant room, I love working with my staff at my school. They have been so great already this year. Each person on my grade level is genuine and works hard. It's also nice to have great leadership to look to when you are working in a school.
Well, I'll save the rest of the boring teacher talk and just keep you posted on the funny first grade antics. I have a couple of students that will be great entertainment this year- I'll keep you posted. Until then, thanks for reading!